Monday 14 April 2008

Maiden voyage

The aim of this blog is to share my experiences of discovering what is out there on the internet. I work as a taxonomy specialist for Dow Jones (shameless PR). However I am new to the position and am discovering vast amounts of information all the time. One of the most interesting aspects of my work is discovering the uses of taxonomies, ontologies etc. within the wider internet community, both in a business and in a social sense.
The advent of the semantic web as a widely adopted framework appears to be getting closer and closer from what I have read. The most mainstream evidence of this being in Yahoo's announcement that they would support semantic web standards.
So I have been taking a closer look at what the semantic web is. A useful article can be found on Nova Spivack's blog entitled Minding the Planet: The Meaning and the Future of the Semantic Web, although this may get a little technical at points for some people.
Anyway, I wanted to get my head around the semantic web, what it means and all the tools that take advantage of it, how they work etc. etc. etc. As well as that I wanted to take a look at some of the tools, or widgets as some refer to them, networking sites, social sites and discovery sites in order to further understand the possibilities and how that in turn affects the business that I am involved in.
So that is my aim. I hope to post blogs as and when I can and I hope to explain some of the tools out there, once I have understood them myself. This is essentially a journey for myself of discovery and I hope through this blog to share some of that with anybody that reads this and perhaps explain some of the things I come across or at least point people in the right direction.

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